Thursday, June 25, 2009

Discovery Time

We had another great morning today with everyone thinking creatively. Some were at the box construction table where they were making furniture for the dollshouse. Some were at the wood work table making racing cars and sheds. Some were at the car track table where they were creating ramps and tunnels out of plastic guttering. We have put on this clip to show you how the track worked.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Wakari Kindergarten Came To Visit

On Friday Wakari Kindy came to Bradford School to have a look around our school.
First we met them in the foyer. Ms Dillon-Roberts welcomed them. 
Then we had 3 activities. One was making a cat. One was reading a story in the library and going around the school. One was watching "Stars on Stage'.
Last, we had morning tea in the foyer. We had oranges, apples, pears, cake and juice.
We felt happy, excited and surprised during the visit.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

A Special Visitor for Room 3 and 4!

Last Monday we had a special visit from Ronald McDonald. He was so funny. We laughed and laughed!

Here he is showing us how to cross the road. We have to stop, look and listen to see if it is safe to cross. It's good to take one step back from the kerb to be extra safe.

When we walk on the footpath we have to watch out for sneaky driveways. Sometimes cars are backing out of driveways and we have to look before we walk across.

We sang the seatbelt song - "Make it click" 

We know all about how to be safe when walking to school. 
Thanks Ronald for coming to Bradford School!

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Our Performance of the Three Little Pigs

We have been practicing our version of the 'Three Little Pigs' to share at assembly. We had to think about lots of different roles - stage/ prop hands, musicians and actors. We had to think about how to make it look and sound exciting for our audience. Here are some pictures from our assembly. 

Here are the three little pigs with Mother Pig.

Here are the little pigs hiding in the brick house.
The wolf will be coming - watch out little pigs!

 Here you can see all three houses.

We had a lot of fun putting on our performance. We hope our audience enjoyed it too!