Monday, August 31, 2009

Clothing in the Middle Ages

On Friday we explored the kinds of clothes people wore over 500 years ago. 

The rich women wore beautiful dresses made of colourful cloth decorated with jewels and gold thread. The men also wore lots of jewellery. They wore tunics made of colourful cloth with leggings and cloaks. Here is a photo of some of our rich people.

The poor people who did lots of hard work wore very plain clothes made out of wool or linen. It was a bit scratchy. The women wore long shapeless dresses called kirtles and the men wore tunics over leggings. Here is a photo of our poor people.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Book Week Dress Up Day

On Friday we had a dress up day to finish off our book week. 

In Room 3 we had witches, Mr Bumps, motorcross riders, fairy princesses and lots of others.
Can you name some of these characters?

While Mrs Horwell was teaching us we found out what kind of musical instruments people used in the Middle Ages. We listened to music that had lutes, harps and drums playing. We made some lutes. Here we are playing them.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Pyjama Day

Here we are in our pyjamas. Don't we look cosy?!  

The council decided to have a pyjama day to raise money for a wee boy who needs medical help which costs a lot of money. Everyone who came to school in their pyjamas donated a gold coin. Even Mrs Horwell, Mrs O'Donnell and Leanne were in their pyjamas. It was a fun day. Mrs Horwell brought some pillow cases to school for us to have sack races in for fitness. It was hard work jumping. 
In the afternoon we watched a show from the Keep Dunedin Beautiful Theatre group. It was so funny - we laughed and laughed.