Monday, August 31, 2009

Clothing in the Middle Ages

On Friday we explored the kinds of clothes people wore over 500 years ago. 

The rich women wore beautiful dresses made of colourful cloth decorated with jewels and gold thread. The men also wore lots of jewellery. They wore tunics made of colourful cloth with leggings and cloaks. Here is a photo of some of our rich people.

The poor people who did lots of hard work wore very plain clothes made out of wool or linen. It was a bit scratchy. The women wore long shapeless dresses called kirtles and the men wore tunics over leggings. Here is a photo of our poor people.


Anonymous said...

"Wow" what a great job you have made of these people and their clothes.
Jason (Callum's dad)

Dillon-Roberts said...

I agree with you (Callum's Dad), they are great photos. I also enjoyed the clothes that you showed us in Assembly. Well done Room 3! Ms D xx

Dillon-Roberts said...

I'm looking forward to hearing about the learning you are doing with Mrs. Horwell Room 3.
Ms D