Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Awhina Art

This week we have Ange Spears - the artist who painted the awesome mural on the library - here at school helping us to create our own class mural. It is based around our value of awhina - helping and supporting others.

On Monday we talked about what this means and how we can show it. We planned out our ideas by drawing pictures on paper. Today we painted our ideas onto wooden shapes which will be fitted together like a big jigsaw.

Here are a few snaps to give you a hint  of what you will see when it is all finished.

Summer has drawn her design onto her painted board. 
We used bright colours to paint our design.

You can see how the bright colours really stand out from each other. 
As we finished painting our part of the mural Ange placed them around the centre piece. We think our mural is going to look amazing. Ask us about how our pictures show awhina - helping and supporting others.

Monday, October 15, 2012

An arty start to the term!

Welcome back everyone! It's great to see everyone back at school healthy and rearing to go. Lots of us are looking very handsome with new summer haircuts as well!

We are starting the term with a resident artist - Andrew is here for the week working with every class each day. He is teaching us about working with clay and we are all busy creating a tile for display in the school.

Andrew is showing us how to transfer our design onto the clay slab

We drew our design on paper in class and then etched it into the soft clay. We had to look carefully at our design and think about how big it was.

We used sausage rolls of clay to on top of some of our lines to make them stand out.

Andrew showed us how to 'glue' on the clay rolls with slip. Slip is a wet mix of clay and water. Then we had to press the rolls on firmly so it will stay on.

We hope to show you some more photos of the art we create during the term.