Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Puppet Show

Last week we had a huge puppet making week. Kaitrin and Drew came every day and helped us make some cool puppets. We made scoopmouths out of laundry powder scoops, pop-ups and onion heads. We were pretty busy practicing some songs and rhymes for a big school presentation last friday. We practiced outside Room 1 but it rained after lunch so we had to have it in Room 6.
It was a bit of a squash but it was still pretty amazing!

We were too busy to take photos during the making time but here are a few.

Room 3 with pop-up

These colourful birds
danced and looked
like real birds!

The soapbox puppets sang a song.
Their mouths moved.

These children
made foam mouths.
They told funny jokes.

Room 4 made spookies.
They were floaty in the air.

We had so much fun. Can we do that every year please?!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Being Safe

We have started our new topic for this term and it's all about being safe.

We have had Constable Heather Rei visit our class and talk to us about being safe when we are out walking. Her main message is that we should always be with an adult when crossing roads and to listen to them.

Here we are at the pedestrian crossing in our carpark.
We need to stop, look and listen for cars.
We walk quickly across the road when it is safe, looking up and down the road as we go.

When we cross the street we stop at the kerb and take one step back. We look up the road. We look down the road. We look along the road to check for any traffic. When it is safe we cross.
Here we are holding hands to keep safe. Can you see us? We have some special vests that make us really stand out!

When we walk along the path we walk on the house side, away from the road.

Are you a safe walker?