Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Puppet Show

Last week we had a huge puppet making week. Kaitrin and Drew came every day and helped us make some cool puppets. We made scoopmouths out of laundry powder scoops, pop-ups and onion heads. We were pretty busy practicing some songs and rhymes for a big school presentation last friday. We practiced outside Room 1 but it rained after lunch so we had to have it in Room 6.
It was a bit of a squash but it was still pretty amazing!

We were too busy to take photos during the making time but here are a few.

Room 3 with pop-up

These colourful birds
danced and looked
like real birds!

The soapbox puppets sang a song.
Their mouths moved.

These children
made foam mouths.
They told funny jokes.

Room 4 made spookies.
They were floaty in the air.

We had so much fun. Can we do that every year please?!

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