Thursday, May 13, 2010

Dog Safety

Josiah was practicing patting the dog after a dog safety talk on Friday. 

Mina showed us how to ask the dog's owner for a pat.
Mina asked "May I please pat your dog?"
Libby ( the owner) said "Yes you may."

The dog is sniffing her hand to get to know her.

Kelli is showing us the best way to pat  a dog. Pat it under the chin down the chest.

"Chin and chest is best."

If a dog comes running up to you, stand still like a tree with your arms up by your face.

1 comment:

Dianne Casey (Rebecca's Grandma) said...

Hi Room 3
It is great that you are learning how to greet a dog and what to do if it is scary. I hope you never meet a scary one though.