Sunday, August 7, 2011

Our Mystery Egg

Last Monday we submerged this egg in a jar of water.
After one day in the water this is what we observed. The egg had some cracks in it. We kept watching each day and showed some photos at assembly on Friday. We had to predict what we thought might be inside. Some of us thought it might be a crocodile...a kitten...a snake.... a tiger... or a dinosaur.

On Wednesday we observed a hole in the top.

Today, Monday, we can see this much of the creature. We think it must be a dinosaur. It looks quite cute. Koby was very glad it wasn't a real live dinosaur as it looks like a Tyrannosaurus which eats meat!!

On Friday we did this experiment to see what would happen. You might like to try it at home. We had a shallow bowl/ plate of milk with some drops of food colouring in the 'corners' as shown in the picture. Then we dropped in a few drops of dishwashing liquid in the middle and we watched what happened. Try it and leave a comment on our blog to tell us what you observed!

1 comment:

Miss Rebecca said...

Hi Room 3! Guess what? The grade 1's in Cairo did the same thing! We dipped a cotton tip in the soap and put it in the milk. It was so cool the way the milk swirled around the plate! Awesome work on your science stuff! Miss Twitchin