Sunday, August 5, 2012

Olympic Symbols

We have been learning about different olympic symbols and how they are used in the Games. Each sport has its own pictorial or visual symbol. We have created our own using black paper shapes. We placed these shapes carefully to make a person performing an action from that sport. I wonder if you can work out the different sports represented in our symbols below.

Can you see which picture might be ...
archery...rifle shooting....weightlifting ( 2 pictures) ...or taekwondo?

Which one is....

Which picture shows...



Unknown said...

Hi Room 3,
I think the your pictorial symbols of Olympians look very good. I don't think I could do what they do though, my muscles aren't big enough! Have you seen any of the races. Alex and I have been watching lots of the Kiwi athletes. It's so exciting.
Looking forward to seeing what you do next!
Julie (Alex's Mum)

Mrs B said...

Wow Room 3. They are awesome. I love how you've used very similar shapes to create such different pictures by placing them so carefully.
Mrs B

Anonymous said...

Wow Room 3! Your Olympic event symbols are awesome. They really got me thinking hard about which one is which. I will have to come up to your room tomorrow to find out if I have guessed correctly!
Mrs M.B.