Sunday, May 27, 2012

Kiwi Breakfasts

This week with Ms Clark we have been hard at work designing our posters. Our message is all about how important breakfast is for setting us up for a great day of learning and activity. We have been thinking about how to get everyone's attention so we have used bright colours and big bold headings. We have written our message and put in a picture to make our posters easy to understand. Here are some of our finished posters. The rest are hanging up in Room 3. Feel free to drop in and see them.

1 comment:

Room 5 Bradford School said...

Wow Room 3! Your posters look very eye catching. It is very important to start your day off with a good breakfast that will give energy to your body and brain.
I'm looking forward to coming up to R3 and seeing what you think a good Kiwi breakfast is.
My favourite at the moment is weet bix.
Mrs M.B.